“Achieving” this rumpled slept-in look is key to living the relaxed, Hermette-ic lifestyle. We love the luxurious look of sleeping in your clothes in the middle of the day.
Afternoonwear doubles as napwear. Nightgowns as day-wear, sleeping in evening-wear, power nap suits… it’s all good. Keep people confused! The lewk is day-to-night-to-day-to-night. Dress codes, detonated!
All of this activewear- everyone parading around with their mons pubis on display - the new category is inactive-wear where you look like you just sat down and fell asleep. Stop trying so hard! Passive-wear is watching the world pass it by - and is better rested for it.
Ah, the childlike wonder of sleeping alone in a twin bed… where your arms can dangle down both sides - you’re sleeping on all sides of the bed simultaneously… not calling yourself slumber royalty for some dumb reason - when beds get to be the size of California Kings - at this point it’s just like sleeping alone!
Sleep alone! In your clothes! In the daytime!
That’s enviable style!
Photos by Hermette Magazine. Styling by Edie Birkholz.
The fashion advice I've been waiting for! It solves ALL of my wardrobe problems at once! And it makes getting up and going to work in the morning so much easier! Brava!
Another brilliant post/commentary! Think I’ll close my eyes and catch some zzzzs in my raincoat.